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I have known Aliki for a few years and have been lucky enough to have her help me with quite a few things (both physical & emotional), using hypnotherapy, counselling, and more recently Meridian Energetics. 

I recently went to see Aliki as I had broken out into a very itchy rash all over both hands, front and back, including the palms of my hands which I had never experienced before.  I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why this was happening (was it an allergy or some emotional trigger around relationships or my path)?  

She did the meridian energy healing with me and after the first time, the intense heat was removed so I did feel some relief straight away. To be honest, I didn’t know if it would work for me. I mean, I know & trust Aliki, but I still​ sort of thought some things just don’t work for me and sometimes one person is perfect to help one person but not another, so maybe working with  Aliki won’t be the right fit for me.

We had 2 other sessions to clear it properly and now my hands are nearly back to normal. ​ I have done a lot of personal development work, both at courses, different healing modalities, and just my own meditations & reflections to see how I could assist myself by looking within rather than searching for someone to ‘fix me’ which has come up a lot in the past for me.  And Aliki has encouraged my decisions & also stepped in when she felt she needed to for my highest good. The above experience being a perfect example of that. We worked together to heal what was going on as well as her encouraging me to go within and find answers.

It's been a really special journey actually. I’ve been working with Aliki on and off for a few years now so sometimes what I’m going to see her for feels easy & quick & I get immediate relief & comfort, and sometimes it’s really challenging and I fight against it, and my beliefs definitely come up to challenge what she’s offering. But I have found that regardless of how I feel, and what ‘happens’, she comes from a place of such integrity, love, higher perspective & respect for each individuals journey that I absolutely know she’ll put my highest good at the top of everything else, including upsetting me or challenging me. And for that I am so grateful, there are not many people in this world that will do that, for their loved ones or complete strangers.

 We are so conditioned to not rock the boat, and to be liked by everyone!  I  have experienced so much with Aliki, she has encouraged me to learn about so many new things – things like different energies, different ways of ‘being’, really giving myself space & time alone to reflect & grow, the power of discernment & grace, to name a few. 

My journey of self awareness & growth will never end, and I count myself very very lucky indeed to have found Aliki and know she will support me for a long time to come. She cares deeply about the work she does for each person and I feel that love, support, empowerment & strength when I’m working with her.

Highly recommending her to you is an understatement. You will definitely get so much more than you bargained for.  I encourage you wholeheartedly.

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